Hello Im Faizal Dawar And welcome to my simple blog. enjoy your stay here, This bLog Is simply about some exciting places im going to worte about Sabah, A Land below the wind.Sabah is located in the North Borneo And sorrounded by The South China sea.Sabah Is also one of the country. '

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The Beautiful Sea of Semporna

Semporna was founded soon after the British North Borneo Company established Sandakan, and initially settled by chinese traders, most fleeing from Spanish attack on the Sulu Sultanate. The name Semporna means place of rest ( as in sanskrits "Semporna" mening accomplishment) and was given after the Britished quelled resistance from the local Bajaus in the Mid 1880s, changing it from Tong Talun . Another story s that semporna was called place to settle or meeting place by four admirals Panglima Kabogan, Panglima Bum-Bum, Panglima Simunul and Panglima Abdullah. The oroginal founder of group of islands and the ancestor to the four admirals was panglima Jamaludin bin Ajibudin