Hello Im Faizal Dawar And welcome to my simple blog. enjoy your stay here, This bLog Is simply about some exciting places im going to worte about Sabah, A Land below the wind.Sabah is located in the North Borneo And sorrounded by The South China sea.Sabah Is also one of the country. '

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Event In sabah

Event That Occur In Sabah.

Kiulu Bombon Tagal Carnival

During This carnival, Which will be held on the 27th until 29 of july, the bombon or tagal means restricted or fish conservation zone in the rivers in kiulu district is opened for fishing to community members and the public as well as the tourist.

This Carnival Is fun also interesting and a lot if activities are held during this event, such as Tug if War, 'Mitotolong' means holding your breath under water, transferring rock across the river as well as fishing competition. Apart form entertaining activities, there will be exhibitions on traditional fishing gears as well as selling local product.
Pesta Kalimaran

Kalimaran Festival.
Pesta Kalimaran (Kalimaran Fest) is an annual cultural celebration of the Muruts. It celebrates the richness of culture of the Muruts and presents most of their cultural aspects. Therefore, to know the Muruts closely, Pesta Kalimaran is the venue.
The word Kalimaran refers to the craftsmanship activities of the Muruts. It is derived from the Murut’s words ralaa and alimarRalaa means young lady and alimarmeans hardworking, strong-minded, diligent and trustworthy. According to the story, there was a young Murut lady called Ralaa. She was a hardworking, strong-minded, diligent and trustworthy young lady. But her brother Yolomor had to sacrifice her for the benefit of their community. Before she was sacrificed she managed to produce many handicrafts like the Tikar, Silaung, Tikalis, Buyung, Lintoyog and Onot by using raw materials like bamboo, rattan and bamban. Ralaa ended her kalimaran by weaving cloth, sampoi (scarf) by using thread, which was produced from Timahan roots. Finally, Ralaa was sacrificed by Yolomor to get seeds for his cultivation farm.

Interesting Place


'Gunung Kinabalu' is one of well known place.The Mount Kinabalu is a prominent mountain on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia. It is located in the East Malaysian state of Sabah and is protected as Kinabalu National Park, a World Heritage Site.
this is the view of 'Gunung Kinabalu'

Before arriving in Ranau, We have to go through Kundasang first. At the edge of the road we will see a lot of Challet and lodges that offera cheap prices for the visitors.

A Visit to kinabalu Park will never be perfect without swinging by Poring Hot Spring. It is Situated 40 km slightly northeast from the parks HQ. Poring is located in the lowlands, a contrast to the Parks HQ. The Poring Hot spring is a place where people can de-stress and soak away all the sore and aches of muscles in the springs hot sulphuric minerals, deemed to have properties and very popular aming the locals. Other than the nature hot spring main attraction at Poring Hot Springs, there are also other interesting areas in the park to visited such as the butterfly farm, the poring orchid conservation center, the tropical garden, the poring canopy walkway, and the rafflesia flower site.
Poring Hot Spring

The Tip of Borneo - Tanjung Simpang Mengayau
This dramatic headland is situated in the northern-most tip ofBORNEOthe third largest island in the world, after Greenland and New Guinea. It is located in the Kudat Peninsula, about three and a half hours (or 215 kilometres) drive from Kota Kinabalu City.
Simpang Mengayau
menas 'lingering jusction' as it is here that the South China Sea lingers and meets the Sulu Seas flowing from the east. People can enjoy the stunning view. The sunsets and full moons are just beautiful. The Pulau Kalampunian lighthouse is a reminder of treacherous coastline and past shipwrecks.
It's a lovely easy stroll to the flagpole, the Globe and the rocky outcrop that forms the "Tip of Borneo".

You can go by taxi, self-drive or with a tour agent. Four-wheel drives and saloon cars with permits are stationed near the Indian Restaurant opposite the Health Clinic in Kampung Air. Four-wheel drives can take between 7-8 passengers at RM20.00 - RM25.00 per pax return, while saloon cars take up to 4 passengers and charge RM240.00 for a return trip to Simpang Mengayau. Check with the Car Rental services for their charges.

A bronze globe marks the location of Tanjung Simpang Mengayau at latitude 7 degrees north and longitude 116 degrees east. A map featuring the island of Borneo is embossed in bronze and laid on a flat surface at an angle with inscriptions to mark the Tip of Borneo.

The Bronze Glob

Taman Pertanian


The Sabah Agriculture Park (Taman Pertanian Sabah) is situated on a 200 hectare site was developed and maintained by agriculture Department.

uniqueness and diversity of orchid species based 'forest', which may not be available in other countries, in itself a 'niche' for Sabah Agriculture Park, thereby helping to further develop the tourism industry in Sabah

Sabah Agriculture Park, located in Lagud Sebrang about 12 kilometers from the town of Tenom, has several parks including the Museum of Life Park, Orchid Garden, Honey Bee Breeding, Evolution Garden, Fruit Garden and Cactus Gardens.

I've actually been there a few times, Plus It is not very far from where I live. From keningau to Tenom, It Only Takes approximately an hour to get to Tenom. Along the way to get into the Taman Pertanian area you will only see a beautiful flower along the path. The Taman pertanian is so big and people have to ride one of the vehicle  that have been provided.

The Taman Pertanian Tenom Is also surround with lake. This Is One of the place where people will take a break for a moment and enjoying their view.

This place is so big we decided to ride a bike

A lot of Orchid Flower here

This Is me On the entrance.

This Is where the camping site is. 

This place also have an animal park that is likened to a mini zoo and various animal and birds that are put on display. Many of these animal and birds are examples of those already used for the commercial lovestock industry. this park also gives visitors a rare chance of seeing some of the animals and birds up close.

Ornamental Garden comprising 21 distinct and well landscape gardens with each garden exhibiting its unique plants and flowers. Here you will see a variety of Bougainvilleas, ixora, hibiscus, cactus as well as other very interesting plant such as the hoya and some of the plant I never seen before. There is also collection of parasitic carnivorous plants. You will very much enjoy going through the garden and perhaps pick up some ideals on how to set up your own garden.

Maliau Basin


One of the Interesting place in sabah is maliau Basin. It is also knnown as Sabah's Lost world covering a conservation of 58.840 hectares. The Maliau Basin contains an unusual assemblage of 12 forest types, comprising mainly of lower montane forest dominated by majestic Agathis trees, rare montane heath and lowland, and hill diperocarp forest. the highlight of the advanture is to trek the majestic 7 tiers Maliau Basin.

Few Months ago, Me and some of my friends are heading to Tawau, and I have been through the Maliau Basin and see the place myself. It was a 6 or 7 hours drive from keningau to Maliau Basin,  It was really tiring plus but once you get there the 7 hour, was worth it. 

Entrance of Maliau Basin. Hunting, fishing and collection of nature specimens are strictly prohibited after the security Gate of Maliau Basin. Permit is needed to enter.

The studies centre consists of the main administrative building, laboratory, research, souvenir shop, restaurant, staff quarters, exhibition centre, theater, confrence room, as well as accommodation for visitors. Delux or standard room and hostel dormitory are available.

Murut Traditional Wedding Ceremony

Murut Traditional Wedding is not just simple 'Malay Style' wedding, but it is called a 'tina'uh', or 'bului'.
This type of wedding is usually still being held by the old folks.

A tina’uh can be held two years after a young man has taken a Murut wife, in a ceremony called ‘limpoho’. This was once the official wedding ritual and procedure of the Sepulut and Pensiangan Murut. Often, the young husband won’t be able to pay his dept so quickly. The ‘pulut’ (dowry) for a Murut girl can amount to up to 40,000 Ringgit in heirloom goods and cash, and thus frequently the tina’uh is only held twenty years after the limpoho. Sometimes, the man has taken another one or two wives by then
The tina’uh is in danger of disappearing, as are so many customs. It is becoming rarer, nowadays, that the

parents in law of a young man require the limpoho, which will then automatically call for the tina’uh or bului later. One of the reasons for the disappearance of this custom is that it is very its labour intensive. Murut parties are beyond description, to say the least, and preparations for a fully-grown tina’uh can involve an entire village for more than a month. In our modern times, they are not very practical affairs any more. Our lives are ruled by schedules and duties, to many of which the Murut have now also yielded - in the name of progress. Yet, in remote, rural areas, where people are called poor because wealth and progress is still measured by money and technical advance, limpoho’s are still customary. There, life follows the little disturbed and spiritual age-old rhythm, with its intricate social pattern, that once dominated the entire of Borneo.

When a tina’uh is going to be held in a village is subject to long discussions amongst the village elders. Many aspects have to be considered, amongst others to make sure that everyone summoned will be able to attend. As a general rule, a season of good rice-harvests is likely to be followed by some tina’uh’s. This was the case in 1998. Though vast parts of the country suffered from an exceptionally long draught, in the heart of Sabah, the harvest was extraordinary. 

Displaying some of the Murut artifacts.

One of the highlight during this year Kalimaran Festival was the Tagol Murut traditional wedding rite ceremony which was held at the Langsaran House (next to the main building of Murut Cultural Centre).