Hello Im Faizal Dawar And welcome to my simple blog. enjoy your stay here, This bLog Is simply about some exciting places im going to worte about Sabah, A Land below the wind.Sabah is located in the North Borneo And sorrounded by The South China sea.Sabah Is also one of the country. '

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Maliau Basin


One of the Interesting place in sabah is maliau Basin. It is also knnown as Sabah's Lost world covering a conservation of 58.840 hectares. The Maliau Basin contains an unusual assemblage of 12 forest types, comprising mainly of lower montane forest dominated by majestic Agathis trees, rare montane heath and lowland, and hill diperocarp forest. the highlight of the advanture is to trek the majestic 7 tiers Maliau Basin.

Few Months ago, Me and some of my friends are heading to Tawau, and I have been through the Maliau Basin and see the place myself. It was a 6 or 7 hours drive from keningau to Maliau Basin,  It was really tiring plus but once you get there the 7 hour, was worth it. 

Entrance of Maliau Basin. Hunting, fishing and collection of nature specimens are strictly prohibited after the security Gate of Maliau Basin. Permit is needed to enter.

The studies centre consists of the main administrative building, laboratory, research, souvenir shop, restaurant, staff quarters, exhibition centre, theater, confrence room, as well as accommodation for visitors. Delux or standard room and hostel dormitory are available.