Hello Im Faizal Dawar And welcome to my simple blog. enjoy your stay here, This bLog Is simply about some exciting places im going to worte about Sabah, A Land below the wind.Sabah is located in the North Borneo And sorrounded by The South China sea.Sabah Is also one of the country. '

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Taman Pertanian


The Sabah Agriculture Park (Taman Pertanian Sabah) is situated on a 200 hectare site was developed and maintained by agriculture Department.

uniqueness and diversity of orchid species based 'forest', which may not be available in other countries, in itself a 'niche' for Sabah Agriculture Park, thereby helping to further develop the tourism industry in Sabah

Sabah Agriculture Park, located in Lagud Sebrang about 12 kilometers from the town of Tenom, has several parks including the Museum of Life Park, Orchid Garden, Honey Bee Breeding, Evolution Garden, Fruit Garden and Cactus Gardens.

I've actually been there a few times, Plus It is not very far from where I live. From keningau to Tenom, It Only Takes approximately an hour to get to Tenom. Along the way to get into the Taman Pertanian area you will only see a beautiful flower along the path. The Taman pertanian is so big and people have to ride one of the vehicle  that have been provided.

The Taman Pertanian Tenom Is also surround with lake. This Is One of the place where people will take a break for a moment and enjoying their view.

This place is so big we decided to ride a bike

A lot of Orchid Flower here

This Is me On the entrance.

This Is where the camping site is. 

This place also have an animal park that is likened to a mini zoo and various animal and birds that are put on display. Many of these animal and birds are examples of those already used for the commercial lovestock industry. this park also gives visitors a rare chance of seeing some of the animals and birds up close.

Ornamental Garden comprising 21 distinct and well landscape gardens with each garden exhibiting its unique plants and flowers. Here you will see a variety of Bougainvilleas, ixora, hibiscus, cactus as well as other very interesting plant such as the hoya and some of the plant I never seen before. There is also collection of parasitic carnivorous plants. You will very much enjoy going through the garden and perhaps pick up some ideals on how to set up your own garden.