Hello Im Faizal Dawar And welcome to my simple blog. enjoy your stay here, This bLog Is simply about some exciting places im going to worte about Sabah, A Land below the wind.Sabah is located in the North Borneo And sorrounded by The South China sea.Sabah Is also one of the country. '

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sabahan Food

Assalamualaikum :)
Hello there, today I want to promote my lovely Sabah from the food itself. Sabah has a lot of traditional food and here I would gladly like to list some of the sabahan cuisine.

Tuhau Is one of the traditional cuisine for kadazan-dusuns people. For people who's not familiar with the smell, they would find it very unpleasant smell that make people don't really like to eat it. 
But most of the veteran people, would find the smell very appetising.


This Is the Tuhau Plant

This Is The Tuhau root that can be find in the fresh Market because it also can be cooked just like other vegetable as main dish.


Bosou is a signiture dish for Kadazan Dusun. Bosou making is simple, yet need practices for perfection. Typical ingredients are including raw freshwater fish, pangi , salt, steamed rice and some other optional ingredients such as jackfruits, young pineapple fruits, tuhau and many more. Storing of Bosou usually takes in a tight closed container. The traaditional container for the bosou is the bottle shaped gourd which sealed with some bee wax. Other traditional container includes kakanan. But now most of people uses tupperwares, glass bottles. Storing of bosou usually takes about five to seven days before it is can be eaten. Due to its strong smell and compost like nature, it is advised to tight closed the container to avoid flies and also avoid growth of fungi

Bosou can be eaten raw or cooked. Cooking is usually done to get rid of the smell and to enhance the taste of the bosou. Some may add dried onions, chillies and other ingredients during the cooking.



Ok, this is one of my favourite, "Lada Putih". For Some people, maybe it tase really spicy, but its really delicious. "lada putih" is not something you eat it rawly but having it in somewhere as ingredient recipe, The "Lada Putih" is usually uses as a side meal that usually mix with many dishes, such as 'tuhau' and 'bosou'.
Maybe for someone who's eating it on a first time, there's a chance for that person to get a diarrhea. (laughing)